PT. Madiccah Jaya provide Qualified crew as required by owner with regards to Nationality, number of crew, consistency, wage scale, union cover, etc, and in accordance with flag state and STCW’95 Requiments.
The selection of suitable candidates is aided by the use of computerized testing techniques, which allows us to ensure that each candidate does indeed have The necessary Technical abilities, as well as a sufficiently Good commend of English to perform his duties to the standar that our client demands.
We select our crew base on a rigorous Procedure, The company training program include working with certified institutions ashore as well as on board Training. PT. Madiccah Jaya Recognized that the Human Factor is a vital element in the successfull completion of marine.
Crew Manning Agency where crew is supplied under a long Term agreement and renewed annually. Short term crew arrangement can be tailor made to suit customer requirement.